Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer happenings

Whew this summer is flying by, Mom!! VBS is over. Mia and Livi enjoyed it so much, but the best part was the next week when Mia was teaching Livi a memory verse. "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." and then she asks Livi who she will trust in and Livi answers "GOD"! What joy!
On Saturday, we celebrated Mia's 7th birthday with the Lowman's and the Anderson's. We went to a park for breakfast and it was a beautiful day. Dad drove his new convertible (it's gorgeous, Mom, you would so love it! Although, it doesn't hold very many groceries!!!) and Uncle Scott rode his new motorcycle. It was good to see him back on a bike after all these years, plus I think he's matured in his riding skills. We were missing some folks, though! Bethany and Meredith have moved to Texas to experience new journeys. Grandma Anderson is at P.A. Peterson's with major back and hip pain. And of course you were not there! On Saturday morning, Dad called to see if I needed anything. Mia and I were on the way to the park, and tears welled up in my eyes because he is trying so hard to think of others and move forward with life. I was so proud and honored that he called.
Things are different now that you are not here, Mom. Every day I realize more and more how wonderful you were and I begin to look for those qualities in my life!
One more thing, we are on our way to Hawaii to celebrate our 10th anniversary! Thanks for giving us the idea of going to Hawaii!!
Love ya, Jenn

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dear Mom,
I want to share some things with you that I know would make you smile. This week is VBS and Mia and Livi are loving it. Mia has already learned 2 verses. I John 4:9 "This is how God showed his love among us, He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." and Psalm 56:3 "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." We were talking to her about why we should "hide these words in our hearts." She is getting to be so big, tomorrow she'll be 7, and her love for God is growing. Also, this week we took her out to the park to ride her bike, the one we got her last year for her birthday and it was too big, and she DID IT!!! She rode on the grass and on the pavement!! Mom, I wish you could have been there to give her a huge hug! When the bike ride came to an end and she couldn't pedal anymore, she dropped the bike and came running across the field to give me a huge hug, it was such a beautiful scene. She was so happy to have accomplished the 2 wheel bike!!!
There is something huge that I have accomplished, too! I finished the last of my online classes...all with A's!! It has been a tough year, but Kurt has been a wonderful encourager and helper! And, you and Dad, cheered me on! Now, I have to take the LBS1 test in August and I will have that certificate to teach officially in the Special Education department, which will hopefully keep me in the same position for years to come...or until I need a change!!
Think about you often!! How's Heaven? Are you sitting at Jesus' feet, walking on streets of Gold, cooking in the kitchen?
Miss you bunches!!
Love, Jenn

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last Day of School

Dear Mom,
Today was the very last day of school for Mia and I. She went for 1 1/2 and I worked all day, but she came with me. I picked her  up at school and she rode around with me, had lunch with me, and hung out at my office. She is getting to be so big. I can't believe that 1st grade is over and she will be 7 soon. She worked hard this year, but we have to catch up on some reading skills over the summer. She loves to read, so that won't be too hard.
Tonight we had a "welcome to America" party for the Roterts. They are back in the states for a couple of months. Brandy invited some friends and family over for a picnic. It was so fun to watch all the kids/teens play together. It is so lovely to get together with folks you haven't seen for a while and just soak up each others company. The 3 little girls played in a bucket of water. Livi sat her little self right in that bucket! It reminded me of the days at the lake when I had the whole lake to swim in, but I chose to fit into the pickle bucket.
Good night! We are hoping that the girls played hard enough to sleep in tomorrow....we shall see!!
Love, Jenn

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The beginning of a new journey!!!

Welcome to Dear Mom-Love Jenn!!
This space I will use for letters to my Mom, Debbie Anderson, who went to be with her Heavenly Father on April 1, 2011 after a 12 month courageous journey through cancer. She taught me so much and we miss her!!  I want to write about family times, my girls growing up, celebrations, trials, all those moments I would have shared with my Mom. I want to write them down, so I can share them with my girls as they get older I am also hoping this will help me grow, heal, and learn through this season of life. Life hear on Earth will move forward, but there is a piece of us that is missing. Although that piece is missing, Mom taught us so much that sometimes it is if she is still here. I am so very grateful that my parents taught me about God, faith, hope, and love.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
Thanks for following,