As we enter into another year hear on Earth, I wanted to update the Erickson family happenings and events. Since my last post (which I said I would write summer has passed and we are half way through a school year.
Let's start with summer because that's when we made a ton of memories!! Summer 2017 started with a garage sale!! And no mom, it wasn't that hottest day of the year, like you always had on garage sale day!
After the garage sale it was time to get ready for VBS!! Groceries for a week for around 100 people per night! Love working in the kitchen and getting to know those that choose to serve with me for the week!
Always love the looks and comments we get when shopping! |
Next, Livi went to 1st chance camp at Rock River Christian Camp! She was pretty excited to go with her friends for 3 whole days!
After Livi got home from camp, Kurt, Mia, and I were on our way to Cincinnati with the youth group for the annual Road Trip. We spent a week with our students hanging out at a campsite, attending some of our favorite concerts, going to King's Island, and just having a good time. And as I write this, plans for the 2018 Road Trip are underway....please be praying!
After Road Trip we celebrated Mia's 13th birthday (a little late this year) by doing Random Acts of Kindness!
After we returned home it was time to get ready for school. Can you believe that Livi is in 3rd grade and Mia is in 8th grade already??? Time certainly does fly by way too fast! This past fall Kurt's art work has been represented by the Ice House Gallery in Evanston, IL. This is a brand new venue for him and he had to demonstrate extreme patience as we eagerly awaited opening day. The Gallery was suppose to open in April and finally opened in October!!

After school starts, we are pretty much into a routine of school/work/art, homework, practice or game, church on Sundays, and catching up on Saturday. This past fall there were several weekends that were 'homework" weekends...ugh!!!
We were able to attend the Missionary convention with the girls. Very interesting and now we are praying for Mia as she begins to make those "adult" decisions. She is interested in missions. Thank you Lord for sending Mia to us and for helping us along this parenting journey. Lord, our knees are going to be worn out as we ask you for guidance during the teenage years!
Kurt and I have been small group leaders for almost 2 years. We love having a group of people that can support and encourage us along our Christian walk. We are praying for continued growth for our group in 2018.
As 2017 came to an end, I reflected and came up with those ever famous "Resolutions".
- Take more pictures of family. I enjoy hanging out with my family and sometimes get so wrapped up in the moment, I forget to snap a picture. I don't think everything needs to be documented and shared on social media, but for myself pictures are a gentle reminder of how blessed we are. I also want to share these memories and conversations with our girls down the road...those remember when moments! And really sometimes my absent mind about memories makes me nervous, so pictures just jog that memory.
- Ask more questions and be attentive to the answers. Sometimes I ask the basic "how are you?" question and don't really pay attention to the person answering probably because I'm too busy. People are way more important than my busyness, so I'm going to ask more questions and be more engaged in conversations and get to know people better.
- Read the Bible every day!!! Nothing else to say about it!! Just do it!!
- Sing to the Lord a New/fresh song!! Psalm 96:1 This was the first verse I read in 2018 and it kind of made me think about starting fresh in the new year. I don't like to sing, but I like to listen to music and sing in my car. Singing a fresh song to God could be using my life to glorify Him more, being more uplifting to others, and praising the Lord for ALL His creation!
- Here's one some of you have been waiting for (some have even encouraged me to do): Begin writing a cookbook!!! I want to share recipes and memories of my mom together in one book for Mia and Livi. I will begin by collecting more of my mom's recipes in one location. I will also begin writing the stories or memories of times those recipes were enjoyed by others. I will probably ask for help along this journey because many of you have great stories to share about my mom!! Thanks for being patient with me as I needed some time to prepare myself to even think about this task!
Thank you for following my Blog. Blogging is one of the ways that has helped me reflect on life, especially after loosing my mom in April of 2011. My hope was to blog about the changes in life, how I was coping or growing through this challenge, and to share events of our family for Mia and Livi.
I love you so much my dear friend. I have so many fond memories of your mom and love be to see her living on through you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and life. One of my goals this year is to rebuild friendships. Let’s plan a lunch or get-together!